So retro

Mercury (the planet that is) is so retro, but not in a good way. Apparently, according to astrologer-types, mercury’s retrograde periods can cause our plans to go awry. It’s been in retrograde since 21 January and it goes back to being modern tomorrow, 11 February.

I don’t know too much about astrology, except that I’m a Virgo, which is of course the best sign. Virgos are apparently earthy perfectionists which seems like a contradiction in terms, but is actually quite apt for me. That’s pretty much all I know about astrology but this Mercury thing seems to have legs.

Mercury goes retrograde three to four times a year they say. Well I would say it’s been in retrograde for a whole year. A whole year my friends. I was diagnosed with cancer on 17 January 2014, then the full shitstorm (which is how I prefer to refer to it ) was revealed on 23 January. My plans have most definitely gone awry over the past year.

Last week I had a call from the hospital regarding my next round of treatment – one cyber knife treatment to my head to deal with the left-over tumours. It was supposed to be today, but it’s had to be postponed because a part on the machine has broken and has to be replaced (mercury in retrograde much?). It’s next week instead.

I’ve even got too much Mercury in my body, thanks to a mouthful of amalgam fillings I got as a child from my uncle the dentist. That’s the gift that keeps on giving. Now I have to get them removed – mercury’s a carcinogen. Awesome.

At least the troublesome planet will be back in whatever the opposite of retrograde is tomorrow. Maybe I’ll be back on track then too!

If you’re interested or need to make plans, Mercury will be in retrograde again from 19 May until 11 June, then again from 17 September until 9 October.


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7 responses to “So retro

  1. Jenni

    I thought you were now on the road to recovery but one more operation to go, here’s to a successful operation and a full recovery to wellness, you certainly deserve it after the ‘full shitstorm’ (apt phrase by the way!) you have been through. I also have a mouth full of those horrible fillings, are you getting them removed because of your illness or because you just don’t want them in case they cause trouble? Are you getting them replaced with something else and is a regular dentist doing it? Sorry about all the questions but I know how bad these fillings are and wonder if I shouldn’t do something about my own. Thanks for sharing and sending you hugs and strength.

  2. Checking in to see how you are doing? I comment so very rarely these days but do still read my blog feed when I get a chance. I hope you are well on your way to recovery and that a happy blog post will follow shortly!

  3. This was a really strange time for me. How have you been?

    • Hi Shana,
      I’m feeling very well. Still got a way to go but as I said in the comment above – I plan to get even better! hope all is well with you.

      • The drama has quieted down…I know I shouldn’t say anything to jinx it and risk stirring it back up…but I’m really liking where the dust has settled this far. It’s peaceful. I’m glad to hear from you. Truly.

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